"My name is Elbie Cattigan and I am almost two I am extremely handsome, and very modest too If you'd like to know more and want to get in touch Then my dear friends, do so as I'd like that very much." Foto: Anne Cattigan
5 opmerkingen:
Zelfs de katten zijn grote dichters in Ierland!!!!
5 opmerkingen:
Zelfs de katten zijn grote dichters in Ierland!!!!
Elbie is te lief!
Heet hij echt Cattigan van achteren? Is his surname really Cattigan? Mind you, our surname is O'Hooligan...
O, handsome Elbie
I'd love to contact thee
I am the black beauty
of the ladies, three!
please do meet me for tea
o...most desirable Elbie
te lieffffff !!!
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